Local Services and Experienced Recycling Operator in Estonia

  • Minimalistic Design
  • Custom Development
  • SEO Optimization
Specific features
  • Order Form
  • Contact Form
  • Landing Pages
  • Eesti Jäätmeringluse OÜ


What We Delivered

Eesti Jäätmeringluse OÜ needed a new website to let their customers order services and buy products from organic waste recycling in Estonia.

The old website was made in the early 2000’s and was not mobile responsive. It had old fashioned SEO strategies.

The new website solved all of this, with a modern and minimalistic design that leads the customer directly to the actions they want to take, either ordering a service or buying the compost products from the company.

Responsive Design

Because more and more web consumers are surfing through their smartphone, we need to focus on the quality of the mobile version of your website.

Ready to create your website?

Let's meet and talk about your dreams.

Connect with me to schedule a call and talk about how I can help you materialize your vision